• Happy Fourth of July
    Every year, Americans all over the world celebrate the birth of the country and its independence on the Fourth of July. There are countless ways that people celebrate and they Read more
  • Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
    When your wisdom teeth start to emerge it can definitely be painful, but it can be even worse if your wisdom teeth become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are trying to Read more
  • Is it possible to over brush?
    Our team at Dental Day Spa will tell you brushing on a regular basis is critical for a healthy mouth, but you can definitely overdo a good thing. Known as Read more
  • What Is Holistic Dentistry?
    Find out whether you should be visiting a holistic dentist for care.  These days, more and more people are taking an active and vested interest in their health. Instead of simply Read more
  • Discover The Benefits Of Dental Implants
    Regain your beautiful smile after tooth loss with the help of dental implants.  With more than five million implants being placed each year in the US alone, we think it’s safe Read more
  • Blogging, Facebook, LinkedIn
    I’m sorry I haven’t been very active in blogging on my website.  I’ve been spending more time on Facebook and LinkedIn for posting content there.  I like posting and linking Read more
  • Serious Health Consequences of Gum Disease
    I just read an article that linked periodontal disease in postmenopausal women to an increased chance of developing breast cancer than those without gum disease.  This is another huge discovery Read more
  • Facebook Page and Yelp Dentist
    Hello, I noticed it’s been awhile since my last blog.  Just want to let everybody know that I do most of my ‘blogging’ on Facebook now.  Here’s the link to Read more
  • Review of Dr. Tung’s Ionic Toothbrush
    Hello, and thanks for reading my first official product review blog post.  I was given a Dr. Tung’s Ionic Toothbrush to try among other Dr. Tung’s products.  With the toothbrush Read more
  • Oil Pulling
    I’ve been approached quite a few times this past year about oil pulling.  This technique is based off an Ayurvedic remedy for oral diseases in which you rinse your mouth Read more
  • Yale Paper Shows Higher Incidence of Neurological Disorders in Dentists
    Dental amalgams are 50% mercury by weight and release mercury vapor continuously.  Chewing food, drinking hot liquids, clenching an grinding all increase the release of vapor.  Removing an amalgam will Read more
  • How to Avoid Getting Cavities
    Most people know that eating lots of sugary foods and not brushing your teeth will increase somebody’s chance of getting cavities.  Before we go into some strategies of how to Read more
  • Finding the Right Dental Implant Dentist
    So you finally made the decision to replace some missing teeth with dental implants. If you’re current dentist does not place dental implants then what should you do? You can always Read more
  • Finding the Right Cosmetic Dentist
    The search for the right cosmetic dentist for you can be a tough search.  There are many different factors to look at and it’s tough to try to judge somebody’s Read more
  • Welcome
    Welcome to the Dental Day Spa of Hawaii Specialty Group! We just had a couple of awesome patient experiences. One client had a smile makeover and told us that she Read more

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